
We’ve been busy keeping up with the latest multiple sclerosis news regarding progressive MS with interviews with Dr. Fred Lublin and Dr. Saud Sadiq. We discussed the future of progressive MS with Dr. Lublin and using stem cells to treat progressive MS with Dr. Sadiq.

We encourage you to check out the discussions and if you’re craving more multiple sclerosis news, the articles below are chock full of new research and hopeful news.

How Oxidative Stress Affects Multiple Sclerosis

Oxidative stress, an imbalance between the production of free radicals and the ability of the body to counteract/detoxify their harmful effects through neutralization by antioxidants, has been known to trigger inflammation. Now, recent observations show that OS also contributes to demyelination in MS.

Brain Shrinkage In Multiple Sclerosis Associated with Leaked Protein in Blood

Early-stage findings from a team at Imperial College London shows that lower levels of haemoglobin could slow progression of multiple sclerosis.

Scientists Demonstrate the Relationship of Sex and Development of Multiple Sclerosis

A recent research study published in the Journal of Neuroscience Research shows a clean link between sex and the development of multiple sclerosis. The study was conducted by scientists from the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution in St. Petersburg, Russia.

Multiple Sclerosis: Patients Make Gains on High-Dose Biotin

A recent study has found that high-dose biotin may be effective in the treatment of progressive MS.
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