Kate Milliken and Heather Love Leffel have some important things in common. They both have MS. They are both fearless and not afraid to talk about their experiences. And most importantly, they both deeply believe that others need to be honest about the rollercoaster journey that comes with having an unpredictable chronic illness.
They posed a question: What have people lost because of their MS?
They asked, and wow, how you answered.
Click here to see the original answers.
Click here if you’d like to share what you’ve lost because of MS.
I have lost my ability to wear dressy clothes, I cant put on make-up any more, I lost one of my daughters to her dad because we both had health issues and I couldn’t do both of us at the same time and now I cannot get her back (she is going through hell with the “wicked step mother/girlfriend”), I have lost most of my family because they don’t understand nor do they try to understand MS, I lost my ability to work and right after finishing college, I lost the ability to drive more than a half hour from home, the list can go on and on. I try to live quietly now with one of my daughters.