MyCounterpane MS Commercial

Calling all creative MyCounterpaners!

If you’ve been keeping up with Empowered By Mycounterpane, you’ll know that we’ve asked you what you thought about recent MS commercials.

We presented you with Biogen’s Tecfidera ad as well as The National MS Society’s #WeAreStrongerThanMS ad.

We were thrilled to see your responses and not-so-surprised to see you felt that both ads missed the mark. Many of you found the Tecfidera ad to be unrealistic, and the MS Society’s ad to be offensive.

It is disappointing when ads meant to empower those with MS only make us feel inferior and, rightfully so….angry. We believe that the only way to make commercials that are truly for MS warriors, is to make commercials by MS warriors.

In the spirit of true empowerment, we are asking you what commercial you would create given the opportunity.

There are no rules with your commercial. You can create one for a drug you take, or one that symbolizes your life with MS. Let your imagination run wild and free.

This is your time. Your creativity. Your power. And we can’t wait to see your responses!

Update: Your responses