"When the mind shifts from fear... the mind can heal the body... It's simple physiology."
Sharing your MS
In this report, we have gathered what we have learned from thousands of posts, about how to share one’s MS with yourself, with others and with the world.
It’s a quick read, yet you may want to study it for hours.
Use it for yourself, share it with others, or save it for that moment when you will inevitably hear of someone else who needs it.
It’s part news… part psychology… and like any good how-to guide, part workbook.
It’s a .pdf file that you can print out, or read online, and it has a fun-to-read introduction letter about how the report came to be, written by yours truly.
Founder, MyCounterpane
Winter 2016: How Does The Cold Affect Your Multiple Sclerosis?
Isn’t it crazy that when you read about MS, you easily find warnings about how heat affects your MS, but rarely find info about the correlation between MS and COLD temperatures? If you are negatively affected by cold, MSPals and MyCounterpane want to hear your tips...
Multiple Sclerosis Tattoos That Will Empower You
We asked to see your multiple sclerosis tattoos and here are your submissions. Click here to contribute your multiple sclerosis tattoo....
Resolution 2016 In Ink: Your Empowering MS Tattoos
In 2010, Alice Milliken was a 20-year-old undergraduate art student when she was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. What she initially believed was a symptom of college life (read: hangover) turned out to be far more serious. Alice was experiencing diplopia (double...
You And Your MS: The Modifications You’ve Made
Your Moment: The Worst Thing A Neurologist Has Ever Said To You
We asked you what the worst thing a neurologist has ever said to you. These are your answers. Click here to contribute and share your worst neurologist...
Your Moment: The Best Thing A Neurologist Has Ever Said To You
It is no surprise that your neurologist is a vital part of your MS treatment. We asked you what your best neuroligist moment was and here are your powerful responses. Do you have a positive neurologist story? If so, click here to contribute!...