"When the mind shifts from fear... the mind can heal the body... It's simple physiology."

Sharing your MS

In this report, we have gathered what we have learned from thousands of posts, about how to share one’s MS with yourself, with others and with the world.

It’s a quick read, yet you may want to study it for hours.

Use it for yourself, share it with others, or save it for that moment when you will inevitably hear of someone else who needs it.

It’s part news… part psychology… and like any good how-to guide, part workbook.

It’s a .pdf file that you can print out, or read online, and it has a fun-to-read introduction letter about how the report came to be, written by yours truly.

Founder, MyCounterpane

Your #DiagnosisDay: Real Stories From MSers

It started with the confusion of your first symptoms. Maybe you first noticed the numbness or suddenly lost your vision. Then came the neurologists and endless MRIs. The waiting game. And then…an answer. Maybe you felt shock, relief, disbelief, fear, grief, anger, or hope. Maybe you felt nothing at all.

By combining real life and modern day technology, here are the moments of the #DiagnosisDay community.


Click here to contribute your moments leading up to your MS diagnosis.


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