"When the mind shifts from fear... the mind can heal the body... It's simple physiology."
Sharing your MS
In this report, we have gathered what we have learned from thousands of posts, about how to share one’s MS with yourself, with others and with the world.
It’s a quick read, yet you may want to study it for hours.
Use it for yourself, share it with others, or save it for that moment when you will inevitably hear of someone else who needs it.
It’s part news… part psychology… and like any good how-to guide, part workbook.
It’s a .pdf file that you can print out, or read online, and it has a fun-to-read introduction letter about how the report came to be, written by yours truly.
Founder, MyCounterpane
MyCounterpane Presents Empowered By, A New Weekly MS Talkshow
"Empowered By..." is a first of its kind live video event connecting viewers and guests with groundbreaking innovations and treatments in the health and wellness space. Hosted every week by Kate Milliken, CEO & Founder of MyCounterpane, the show will offer...
How To Empower Your Voice With MyCounterpane
If you've been reading our blog, you'll know we're fans of asking you questions. At MCP, we are always trying to to gauge how you feel about topics relating to your multiple sclerosis. This applies not only to your feelings about living with MS itself, but also your...
MCP User Liz Jackson And The Power of Disability
Writer and Disability Advocate Liz Jackson was diagnosed with idiopathic neuropathy in 2012 after waking up one morning and, quite literally, falling out of bed. Now forced to wear glasses and use a cane to walk, Liz found that she had no choices outside the cane and...
When You Learn A Friend (Also) Has MS
Recently I learned that a former co-worker, Jenise, was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 2015. I heard about her diagnosis from a Facebook post where she proudly shared some good news - The Copaxone was working! No new lesions! This was, of course, excellent news,...
Corin Hopkins On Multiple Sclerosis + The Human Default
My multiple sclerosis helped me define myself as a human being. As my immune system ate away at my nervous system, I discovered the simultaneous separation of and connection between my physical self and my mental self. My diagnosis of this incurable disease led me to...
What Has MS Brought Into Your Life?
Before I founded MyCounterpane.com, I was a producer who made testimonial videos. This means I never wrote a script; I just opened the door for people to tell and show me their story. Now, I want to create an honest video about what MS brings to each and every one of...