"When the mind shifts from fear... the mind can heal the body... It's simple physiology."
Sharing your MS
In this report, we have gathered what we have learned from thousands of posts, about how to share one’s MS with yourself, with others and with the world.
It’s a quick read, yet you may want to study it for hours.
Use it for yourself, share it with others, or save it for that moment when you will inevitably hear of someone else who needs it.
It’s part news… part psychology… and like any good how-to guide, part workbook.
It’s a .pdf file that you can print out, or read online, and it has a fun-to-read introduction letter about how the report came to be, written by yours truly.
Founder, MyCounterpane
5 Fears I Have Before I Visit My Neurologist
Visiting a neurologist is one of the activities every MSer knows all too well. It can be a rollercoaster of emotions, before, during and after the appointment. And no matter how many times you go, there are some concerns that just never seem to go away. Below are the...
Frustrating Things Partners Say About Your MS
What are some of the frustrating things that your partners say to you about your MS? Do you sometimes feel like they just don't understand? Here, we give you the opportunity to voice your thoughts with other MSers that are suffering from the same frustration. Make...
The Most Frustrating Thing My Partner Has Said To Me About My MS
In 2011, when I was 27-years-old and engaged to be married, I was diagnosed with MS. I've heard stories of fiancés leaving their partner after an MS diagnosis - it happened to MCP user Sergio Rodriguez whose story, over time, turned out to have a very happy ending....
Your Childhood Stress May Still Be Making You Sick In Adulthood
Have you ever wonder what caused your MS? I have. Countless times. I've gone back over my youth and tried to map out all of the horrible processed foods I ate as a child. Was it the Mac & Cheese? The hotdogs and gluten buns I loved so much? Or maybe it was the...
The Latest News on MS and Clinical Trials w/ Dr. Bruce Bebo
Meet The Guests Dr. Bruce Bebo: Executive VP of Research for the National MS Society Mitch Sturgeon: clinical trial participant/blogger/MyCounterpane user living with PPMS Clinical Trials 101 MS is currently the neurological condition with the most scientific...
The Latest News on MS And Supplements w/ Dr. George Kessler
If you’ve ever been to a neurologist to treat your MS, you know there is one supplement that is necessary for your health: vitamin D. But more and more, science is leading us to look at other nutrients and how they can affect inflammation (and MS). For instance, we...